Scripting language — Scripting redirects here. For other uses, see Script. A scripting language, script language, or extension language is a programming language that allows control of one or more applications. Scripts are distinct from the core code of the… … Wikipedia
Scripting for the Java Platform — is a framework for embedding scripts into Java source code. The target platform is the same as that of Java servlets, specifically Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4. Java SE 6 includes a JavaScript engine based on Rhino JavaScript for Java… … Wikipedia
Scripting Host — Scripting Host, Windows Scripting Host … Universal-Lexikon
Scripting Language — [engl.], Script Sprache … Universal-Lexikon
scripting language — noun (computing) A high level programming language that uses an interpreter (qv) to execute programs • • • Main Entry: ↑script … Useful english dictionary
Scripting Remoto — El scripting remoto [1] es una tecnología que permite a los scripts que se ejecutan dentro de un navegador web intercambiar información con el servidor. Los scripts locales pueden invocar scripts en el servidor remoto y procesar la información… … Wikipedia Español
Scripting remoto en Javascript — El Scripting remoto en Javascript o (JSRS) es una técnica de desarrollo web para crear aplicaciones web interactivas mediante el uso de una combinación de: HTML (o XHTML) El DOM, manipulado usando JavaScript para mostrar e interactuar… … Wikipedia Español
scripting language — noun A computer language designed to be used as part of a larger application. Its a great application, but the scripting language is cheesy … Wiktionary
scripting language — scenarijų kalba statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Programavimo kalba ↑scenarijams rašyti. Nebūna sudėtinga, nes scenarijų struktūra paprasta. Scenarijų kalbų pavyzdžiai: ↑„JavaScript“, „JScript“, „Perl“, „VBscript“, „AppleScript“. Dar… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
scripting — n. process of writing a text for a play (or film, television program, etc.); process of creating a batch file, process of programming a script (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary